While preparing a manuscript with Latex, it is often useful to highlight the changes made in the current revision with a different color. This can be achieved using the \ textcolor command provided by Latex. For example, \textcolor {red}{Hello World} would display the string "Hello World" in red color. However, the final/published copy of the manuscript does not contain any highlighted text. Therefore, if a large volume of changes were made, it becomes tiresome at the end to find and remove all the individual portions of highlighted text. This can be circumvented by defining a utility command to switch highlighting on and off as desired. In the following, we define a new Latex command, highlighttext , for this purpose. The command takes only a single argument—the text to be highlighted. \usepackage {color} % For highlighting changes in this version with red color \newcommand { \highlighttext }[1] { \textcolor {red}{#1}} % Remove...
Barun Saha's blog on AI, GenAI, DTNs, and other networks.
Happy new year to you and i wish you the same i am late but i am a regular visitor of your blog and i like your posts very much . stay blessed.